Conference Program

Check-in & welcome
8:00am Check-in
8:40am Introduction & Welcome, Stacey Finley
8:50am Overview & History of SoCal SysBio, Arthur Lander
Session 1
9:00am Pavak Shah, UCLA
Graph Metrics for Quantitative Embryology
9:25am Betty Hong, CalTech
Olfaction in Drosophilia through The Lens of Natural Odors
9:50am Elena Koslover, UCSD
Navigating the Maze: Transport and Distribution through Intracellular Networks
10:15am Negin Forouzesh, CSULA
Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Binding Free Energy Calculation
10:40am Coffee Break
Session 2
11:10am Geoff Fudenberg, USC
Maps & Mechanisms of 3D Genome Folding
11:35am Evgeny Kvon, UCI
To Loop or not to Loop: How Important is Enhancer-Promoter Contact for Gene Activation
12:00pm Siddharth S. Dey, UCSB
Developing Integrated Single-Cell Epigenome and Transcriptome Sequencing Technologies to Study Early Mammalian Development
Lightning Talks I
12:25pm Stephanie Lueck, Sheng Wang, Raktim Mitra, Marcus Kelly, Ali Risheh
12:40pm Group Photo
Lunch & Poster Session #1
12:45pm Lunch & Poster session
Full list of posters & abstracts
Session 3
2:00pm Kathleen Curtius, UCSD
Measuring Single Cell Clonal Dynamics in Human Blood Using Coalescent Point Processes
2:25pm Weitao Chen, UCR
Multiscale Modeling to Understand Robustness Mechanisms of Stem Cell Maintenance
2:50pm Svasti Haricharan, SBP
Whole Organism Approaches to Systems Biology in Cance
2:50pm Christian Tomasetti, City of Hope
Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Evolution and Etiology
3:40pm Coffee Break
Session 4
4:05pm Lisette de Pillis, Harvey Mudd
A Within-Host Model of SARS-COV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Activity in Response to mRNA Vaccination: How Academia and Biotech Partnered to Create a New Mathematical Model
4:30pm Dequina Nicholas, UCI
A Within-Host Model of SARS-COV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Activity in Response to mRNA Vaccination: How Academia and Biotech Partnered to Create a New Mathematical Model
4:55pm Christian Metallo, Salk Institute
Tracing Metabolic Systems in Cells and Animals to Understand Disease
5:20pm Julia Schwartzman, USC
Collective Carbon Harvesting in Marine Bacteria
Lightning Talks II
5:45pm Aarush Maddela, Jacob Steenwyk, Brian Orcutt-Jahns, Jiayu Liao, Wayne Hayes
6:00pm Wrap-up: Adam Maclean & Stacey Finley
Reception & Poster Session #2
6:15pm Poster session & reception
Full list of posters & abstracts
8:00pm Event concludes